Preserve & Treasured... In Deed, Realistically :blush::joy::ok_hand: !!!
rayloke2009blogspot posted a photo:
[image: Preserve & Treasured... In Deed, Realistically
:blush::joy::ok_hand: !!!]
6 years ago
NATIONS out of CONTROL ; ..... UNbelievable REALLY, UNseen Vision MISSION ; THE CHALLENGE as to Trials plus Tribulations ... YES IT IS FINE to REFINE Plus DEFINE ; ...OBVIOUSLY, THE CHALLENGE as to Trials plus Tribulations ...NO NEED TO EXPECT, SIMPLY JUST ACCEPT. ...Virtual to REALITY is Manifestation in being MANIPULATED, .... CHANGED in Deed, ...Evolved into a REVOLUTION ; STATE of Chaos from a state of CRISIS is indeed a REVOLUTION.... yes Genuine FAKES were MADE. ...====== WHEN to CHANGE the ''game'' as in Swap, Shift or SHAKE ... for the CREATIONISTS ; ...Everything Wrong With Prometheus In 4 Minutes Or Less indeed is EXCEPTIONALLY UNIQUE ; YES BE TRULY UNIQUE IN DEED matters Absolutely ; YES MAXIMIZE the GAIN Plus Minimize the RISKS ; ...YES WHO Really BENEFITS from the CRISIS ?? ...MANAGE to CARE as in CONTROL in DEED ; DISAPPOINTED ? .... RULES & REGULATIONS are FINE, ...But do not BE FINED ; YES THE CHALLENGE as to Trials plus Tribulations ... YES IT IS FINE to REFINE Plus DEFINE ; ...
=== WHEN to CHANGE as in Swap, Shift or SHAKE ... for the CREATIONISTS. ..... YES WITHOUT Wings the bird would not possibly fly, but there are WAYS that one could do so OBLIVIOUSLY ; However the SOLE Plus SOUL Purpose and MISSION must go together as one ABSOLUTELY ; YES TRULY UNIQUE INDEED ; .... DOMESTIC AGENDA OBLIVIOUSLY matters Absolutely And, REALIZATION is something that one will not get away from simply just because it just keeps coming back ALL THE TIME ENDLESSLY ; NOW we talk on REALITY as in the understanding of ...... Politically CORRECT does not ''mean'' Spiritually INCORRECT ; YES ''sometimes'' one have to lose the SOLE purpose in order to gain the soul PURPOSE unlike those who are ready to forgo the soul ; HOWEVER ignorance or neglect of ''politics'' is NO EXCUSE. .... SOUL and SOUL Purpose plus mission must synchronize in such a way that TRUST is truly UNIQUE ''when'' it comes together with FAITH Simultaneously ; And, TRIUMPH over the disappointments is like learning to surf in the waves. ...... YES LOST CONTROL of the Astounding Abundance of CONTRIVERSIES as in Lawlessness seem to sound like endless ... Yes, Endless Political Music as in any kind of MUSIC indeed is evidently is a JOY or a BURDEN as in the Ordeals of Revealing what need to be a DISCLOSURE of truth even when INCONVENIENT is simply just doing it at the correct TIME DEFINITELY ; YES, BEAUTY is indeed in it's TRUE Colors indeed manifest or make these things much more BEAUTIFUL REALISTICALLY ; WHEN Incorrect one have to DEFINE plus SPECIFY the mistake is to ''make a decision'' correctly in order to JUDGE Accordingly; YES NOT Both at the ''same'' time but one at a time, as in the left foot first followed by the right foot or ''whichever or whatever'' that comes first is truly a matter preference or indulgence REALLY.... ======= START THE HEALING ; ... ALREADY BEGUN ?? ... YES INDEED Realization of the Lack of CORRECT Knowledge is truly DEVASTATING REALISTICALLY ; YES The understanding of what it means truly is ''everything'' is NOTHING and NOTHING is ''everything'' ; AND, ....IGNORANCE ''or'' Neglect of the LAW is no EXCUSE !!! ... POLITICALLY or Spiritually, OR Physically or Financially or ''whatever and where-ever'' Specifically plus Significantly Plus REALISTICALLY is ''also'' truly NO EXCUSE within ''seeking'' fully for the ''true'' Spirit or IMAGE ABSOLUTELY. .... YES on the Journey of LIFE in Astounding ABUNDANCE is ''absolutely'' all about all These Things as in EVERYTHING on Planet EARTH ''as well as'' in The Outer Space of the UNIVERSE. .... NATIONS out of CONTROL ; ..... UNbelievable REALLY, .....