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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let there be all the creation 'theories' taught as science in all schools. - by Vlad's dog - Newsvine

Let there be all the creation 'theories' taught as science in all schools. - by Vlad's dog - Newsvine

1 comment:

  1. LET there be much more LIGHTS ! ...
    Let there be faces in the clouds.

    So Bobby Jindal just came out in favor of teaching creation "theories" in schools. He basically says he is OK with teaching creationism in public schools as long as a local school board OK's it. He goes on to say that the state is committed to National Academic Standards and as long as schools teach evolution they should also be allowed to teach other "theories". He stated "what are we scared of?....give students critical thinking skills."

    So since creationism is a "theory" and he used the plural for theory, it seems Bobby wants all creation "theories" taught, of course as long a local school boards OK it.

    So pick which ones we should teach. Here is a list of just some of the "theories" we can now add to science classes.

    Creation from Chaos Theory

    Cheonjiwang Bonpuli- the Korean creation theory

    Enuma Elis- Babylonian creation theory

    Greek Cosmological theory

    Jamshid- Persian creation theory

    Kumulipo- Hawaiian creation theory

    Mande- Mande creation theory

    Pangu- Chinese creation theory

    Sumerian creation theory

    Tungusic- Siberian creation theory

    Unkulunkulu- Zulu creation theory

    Vainamoinen- Finnish creation theory

    Ex Nihilo (out of nothing) Creation Theory

    the Debate between sheep and grain- Sumerian creation theory

    the Barton Cylinder- Sumerian creation theory

    Ancient Egyptian creation theory

    Genesis creation theory

    Islamic creation theory

    Kabezya Mpongu- Bantu creation theory

    Maori creation theory

    Popol Vu- Mesoamerican creation theory

    Rangi and Papa- South Islander creation theory

    Of course there are many more creation 'theories' that we could add, many Native American tribes have their own creation 'theories' those also should be taught to give all students "critical thinking skills".

    We cannot avoid teaching them all because all students need to know all the 'theories' to think critically in our world today. Please do not leave out any of the 'theories', that would leave students without all the knowledge they need on creationism in order for them to "think critically".
