Preserve & Treasured... In Deed, Realistically :blush::joy::ok_hand: !!!
rayloke2009blogspot posted a photo:
[image: Preserve & Treasured... In Deed, Realistically
:blush::joy::ok_hand: !!!]
6 years ago
Seeded by Darrah, Greenville, SC
Scientists have named, cataloged, and described less than 2 million species in the past two and a half centuries, yet, according to an new innovative analysis, we are no-where near even a basic understanding of the diversity of life on this small blue planet. The study in PLoS Biology, which is likely to be controversial, predicts that there are 8.7 million species in the world, though the number could be as low as 7.4 or as high as 10 million. The research implies that about 86 percent of the world's species have still yet to be described.